
Thursday, August 21, 2008

They're in session!

There are many old jokes about the dangers that lurk when the legislature is in session. This morning's LA Times includes "Legislature takes aim at urban sprawl ... A Senate bill calling for financial incentives to control greenhouse gases would be the first such law in the nation" and "A smart plan for smart growth".

Wendell Cox also blogs about all this.

I have blogged about this stuff often and (but) it won't go away. There are two questions to ask people of the green faith. 1) Can you define "urban sprawl"? 2) Have you seen any credible evidence that spread out development causes long commutes?

This morning's WSJ includes "Going the Distance to 'Save Gas' ... Extreme Runners Commute by Sneaker, Pushed by Pump Prices -- and a Bit of Fanaticism"

The extreme commute stories always make the news, so this qualifies. The accompanying map shows a commute from south San Francisco to a distant job in the Palo Alto area. That's a "reverse" commute for those who are stuck thinking about cities as they were 100 years ago.