
Saturday, April 17, 2004

Starpower in Government

The BBC's online market on celebrity (fame) futures does not (yet) include trades involving California's governor.

Arnold's recent successes in Sacramento should convince the remaining skeptics that traditional politicians are easily outclassed by cross-overs with starpower. And once trading in Arnold's popularity (at the BBC site or wherever) gets serious, old-fashioned political punditry will also take a hit.

Just when we thought that clumsy term-limits were the only way to curb the powers of incumbency, there is new hope. Old fashioned Sacramento politicos are no match for our Governator. To those who rue the demise of the professional political class, the best available answers used to involve references to the historical example of part-time pro bono political service. But that's all past. The new argument is that the oldies will not hold their own against celebrity cross-overs. Its no longer a discussion because it's now inevitable.

Will celebrity-politicians also become entrenched? Hard to say. The good news is that they generally hate to be seen in public once they age -- Reagan notwithstanding.